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Ranking Perspektywy 2019


Warsztaty językowe z Kołem Naukowym Anglistów UMCS

Opublikowano: wtorek, 23, styczeń 2018 09:48


     10 stycznia uczniowie I LO, uczący się języka angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym, wzięli udział w warsztatach językowych. Zajęcia zostały zorganizowane przez Koło Naukowe Anglistów z Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie.

      On the 10th of January, as students with extended Engish learning, we had an opportunity to take part in special workshops organized by the Anglicists’ Society of Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin.
    The classes consisted of four different parts - translating a movie, a group quiz competition, a game of taboo and spelling, all of which were run by two English philology students.

We started with a cooperative translation of a fragment from the movie "The Martian". Each of us had to change a single line of transcript from English to Polish. Then we watched that piece of the film with our subtitles and I must say it looked even better than the ones you can find on the Internet. Next, divided into small groups called Brits, Yankees, Canucks, Aussies and Kiwis, we were faced with a quiz about the homelands of each. After a head-to-head battle, Brits made their way to the win and received small gifts from the students. Another game was for the courageous ones, as they had to stand in front of the whole class and make us guess who they were. Each of them got a card with the name of a character and words they couldn't use to describe them to us. Every volunteer did well enough for us not to have a single problem guessing who they were presenting. The last part of our workshops was a lesson of pronunciation. We all have problems when it comes to saying problematic words such as "squirrel", "world", "island" or "bomb" so we were given a quick reminder of how to say most commonly mispronounced words.
    After the workshops, we headed to the British Council for a short lesson on how to improve our speaking. We were given a few tips there. We were told to summarize texts we read and movies we watch to ourselves, think and talk to ourselves in English, describe what we see on our way to school or a walk with our dog, listen to podcasts and learn pronuncition. Some of us were verified just there and had to say what we had done the previous day and how we felt while doing it or descibe a picture and find a deeper meaning to it. Just before we left, the woman who was giving us the lesson reminded us that the improvement wouldn't be seen in two weeks or months and there was no revolutionary method of speaking better, but what she had told us during the lesson worked and was fun once we started.
    We headed home rather satisfied and content with what we had been taught. Both the workshop and the lesson introduced something useful into our lives as they were the combination of fun and learning. We'll be pleased to put all the new stuff into effect.
                                                                       Agata Białek, klasa III B


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