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Ranking Perspektywy 2019


Międzynarodowy tydzień z WOLONTARIUSZAMI AIESEC

Opublikowano: poniedziałek, 03, październik 2016 13:03

Jak co roku we wrześniu mieliśmy okazję gościć grupę wolontariuszy z organizacji studenckiej AIESEC. Studenci przyjechali do nas z Armenii i z Indii. Byli to Lilit i Rohit.
   AIESEC to organizacja studencka, której głównym założeniem jest szerzenie międzykulturowości i współpracy międzynarodowej poprzez program wymiany. W ramach projektu zajęcia były prowadzone były przez studentów oczywiście po angielsku. Przedsięwzięcie polegało na połączeniu warsztatów kulturowych z profesjonalnymi warsztatami na temat planowania i kreowania własnej przyszłości młodych ludzi.
   Dziękujemy naszym uczniom i absolwentom za opiekę nad wolontariuszami!

Our students’ impressions of the volunteers’ stay at our school:
 “Not so long ago our school hosted two unusual guests that stayed with us for a week. They weren’t just your everyday students – neither Lilit nor Rohit come from Poland.  Their visit was made possible thanks to AISEC – an exchange program that enables students to travel abroad and learn about foreign cultures. Though my experience with our lovely guests was quite brief, I learned some interesting aspects of their culture, and got to know them as much as I could.

Our first encounter was the moment I saw them at the bus stop, the morning of the first day in Krasnystaw. After a short introduction (when I found out that Lilit comes from Armenia, and Rohit is Indian), we headed right to the school. It turned out that they had to give their first class right after arriving. And whom did they present to? My class! Despite minor technical difficulties Lilit started right away with her presentation. She spoke about her nation’s rich cultural heritage, their language and customs. We tried to learn a little of Armenian alphabet,  but let me tell you, it’s easier said than done. We were taught a few basic Armenian phrases, heard about international celebrities of Armenian descent, and some other stuff that kept us on our toes. It was a lesson well spent, and I personally feel that there are some similarities between Poland and Armenia.
  The next lesson belonged to Rohit, as he gave a wonderful presentation about India. To hear him talk about the cuisine, especially when you haven’t had breakfast ,was both painful and completely absorbing. You could smell the strong fragrances of traditional Indian spices just by looking at the pictures! I sure hope to visit India one day, or at least try their cuisine. Later we once again learned a few Indian phrases, and this time Rohit wanted to learn something, too – and the whole class made sure that he didn’t leave our lesson having not learned at least a few sentences in Polish.
I had an opportunity to play basketball with Lilit and Rohit by the end of the week, too. While playing you could really see that sports is a universal language. Well, we used some Polish too, but the phrases are not suitable for repeating in an article such as this one. The match we played was intense and left us out of breath, but with a great sense of accomplishment.
I am genuinely happy about Lillit and Rohit’s visit. It was an opportunity to polish up language skills, but also a chance of making new friends. I surely hope to see them again one day.”
                                                                                          Szymon Antoniak, klasa IIIA

“Unusual guests came to our school on 12th September: volounteers from India and Armenia. They stayed here for a whole week to share their culture with us. Obviously, these meetings were in English, though volounteers knew a bit of Polish.
   Personally, I enjoyed the lessons with them and was truly thankful for such a great opportunity, which was actual talking to the foreigners. Despite their rather strong accent, I could understand them perfectly. I think others didn't have  trouble with it, either.
    However, I noticed I was one of the most interested. It's a bit disappointing because I guess everyone should try to take advantage of such meetings , so  keep in mind that there may not be such a possibility in the future. “
                                                                                            Iga  Rokita, klasa IB

“On Friday, we invited our newly met friends, Rohit and Lilit to a barbeque party, to celebrate their stay and cultural knowledge they gave us. They showed us some typical national songs, for example, what they sing for birthday and some other popular hits. Our foreign friends said they enjoyed this party a lot and that it was "a night to remember"!
The next day, after sleeping at my house, we went on a trip to Zamość. They admired the beauty of the stronghold, the castle walls and the majestic Old Town. The most memorable thing for them was the architecture of the buildings.
The last day of the weekend was filled with packing things up, saying thank you and goodbye to people from Krasnystaw. At about 4 p.m me and my friend drove them back to Lublin, so they could show up at the AIESEC meeting on time. But a meeting can wait when you have such a great burger place nearby! Some other volunteers from AIESEC joined us at the place and we all had a taste of delicious meal. It was already late so we just carried their luggage and said goodbye to them. However, we all know this is not a goodbye to our friendship!”
                                                                                            Kacper Pastuszak, klasa IIA

Here are some words from the volunteers:
“The first day of our visit to Krasnystaw was memorable, as a very polite and kind student from the school Szymon with high level of English was waiting for us at the bus station and we went directly to the school. We had with us a preliminary organized schedule and four classes per day with students.
During the week we had a meeting with the Head of Administration – Edita and the teacher of English - Magda. They were interested in our countries, culture and traditions.
We could provide to the students the whole information concerning our countries and at the same time have interactive communication with them by discovering what culture is for them and to answer their questions. In addition, after presenting our countries, the students had a possibility to have a presentation about their career development and success and a demonstration of an interview by a group of students was organized at the end of the week. After classes a very sociable group of students invited us to join their organized events. Having this kind of hospitality from our students we were offered to come back to Lublin by their car and we hope to have an endless friendship with them.

Best Regards,
        Lilit Hayrapetyan


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