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Ranking Perspektywy 2019


Międzynarodowo w Jagielle

Opublikowano: czwartek, 24, wrzesień 2015 13:20

W dniach 14-18 września mieliśmy okazję gościć grupę wolontariuszy z organizacji studenckiej AIESEC. Studenci przyjechali do nas z Azerbejdżanu, Chin i Gruzji. AIESEC to organizacja studencka, której głównym założeniem jest szerzenie międzykulturowości i współpracy międzynarodowej poprzez program wymiany. W ramach projektu zajęcia były prowadzone przez studentów po angielsku. Przedsięwzięcie polegało na połączeniu warsztatów kulturowych z profesjonalnymi warsztatami na temat planowania i kreowania własnej przyszłości młodych ludzi.

Our student’s impressions of the volunteers’ stay at our school

Last week our school hosted three students from an international AISEC organisation.
The volunteers came to us from China, Georgia and Azerbaijan. We had the pleasure of watching presentations about each country. It was a great cultural shock for all of us!
As new friendships were formed, we wanted to spend some time together. In the company of our guests we went to the city of Zamość to present our visitors a bit of the Old Town as well as teach them some history.

The first point of our trip was the museum of fortifications and weapons “Arsenał”.
We were able to see the magnificent historical military objects, such as tanks, helicopters, airplanes as well as some older artifacts like swords and other weapons.
Our guests were certainly interested but we wanted to show them more. Therefore we did some sightseeing around the Old Town. The Town Hall and plenty of colourful tenement houses really amazed our guests!
And of course we encouraged them to try a bit of our traditional Polish cuisine. Dishes such as “Pierogi” and “Bigos” appeared on our table.The volunteers enjoyed their meals very much. After the delicious lunch we had some time for very interesting conversations.
Unfortunately all good things come to an end and we had to get back to Krasnystaw.
At the end of the day we had some campfire in our dormitory. It was an amazing farewell.
It was a fascinating experience to have an opportunity to host such interesting people. We all hope our paths will one day cross again in the future. Nika, Chloe and Layla - we wish you best luck!
                                                                                     Wiktor Kościuk

Last week our school hosted a small group of volunteers from an AIESEC project. This group consisted of 3 people - Nika - a boy from Georgia, Chloe and Leyla - girls from China and Azerbaijan respectively. They were here until last Friday leaving us enriched with the knowledge about career, writing a CV, applying for a job and of course about their culture and language - all of this in English, of course. Each grade in our school had 2 activities with them, instead of normal English lessons during that week. But what happened after we left school, was really essential!
The first day, on Monday, only I spent my time with them. Everything started from a shy conversation in the dormitory canteen. Leyla wanted to know how to say "I don't like pork" in Polish. I helped her of course and later I decided to show them around Krasnystaw, as they didn't know where to go and what to do. We had a good time learning something about each other.
The second day, on Tuesday, Bartek Sawa decided to organise a campfire in the grounds of the stud. Eating baked sausages, we were talking a lot about everything - from tongue twisters in our languages and biology to politics. They tried riding a horse, we enjoyed the company of cats, dogs and even a goat! Everyone was happy, we had a lot of laugh and enjoyed our time with (not so much anymore) the foreigners.
The third day, on Wednesday, a bigger group of people, mainly from the second grade, decided to take our friends to Zamość to go sightseeing and eat something there. Fate has smiled upon us - the tickets to the museum are free every Wednesday in September, so we could go and see many breathtaking things for free! We saw for example Cossack's uniform, flintlock guns, helicopters and cannons. It gave us thrills and many emotions, there were shouts and sighs, even the museum curators told us to be quiet! After all of us had received some knowledge about Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and German armies, we went to have something to eat. We waited very long, but it was worth it, the food was delicious. We had ice cream and took some photos of the Old Town. Leyla even joined the procession of the newly weds! We all realised that having time with our guests is a true pleasure.
The forth day, on Thursday, not many students met our friends. Wiktoria Król decided to take wonderful photos with each of them. The pictures were marvellous and all of them really enjoyed it. Some time later, as planned on Tuesday, they came over to my house. My mom served them homemade “pierogi” and they had a tour all over my house and the collections my family has. They were really excited and enjoyed the stay and the atmosphere. Nika could even play League of Legends on my computer, as he really wanted to do it!
The last day, on Friday, many students gathered to have the last meeting with our guests in Kransystaw. Initially we went for something to eat. Later we wandered a little and of course talked to each other as much as we could, just like on the other days. Then, they all went to the dormitory to pack everything and get ready for a bus to Lublin. All the emotions were in the air, we shared our email addresses, contact numbers and of course gifts, cards, letters and photos. Everyone had written something for them, they also wrote something for us. Some of us even got Chinese kites and mats for tea. There were a lot of tears between both sides. After tears, promises, hugs and kisses, we went and saw them off. We all loved them, their personalities and sense of humor. We truly hope we will meet again some day and we are looking forward to hearing from them!
                                                                                     Author: Marek Sarnacki

Volunteers’ impressions of their visit at our school

Me and my colleagues spent an amazing time in Krasnystaw especially in Zamość with your students.
Students of your school were very welcoming and took a lot of initiative. I fell
in love with Krasnystaw and your people.
                                              Waziroua Leyla from Azezboijan,Baku

The fact is that the place didn’t seem the way it turned out. People and students made this week unforgettable. I think this is one of the best experience in my life. Thanks for the most hospitable and cheerful pupils in the world. Thank you for everything.
                                                                    Nika from Georgia

Such a nice campus. The students were enthusiastic about our visit. They took us for trips to Zamość, Rońsko and showed us around Krasnystaw. It’s a small, beautiful and friendly place. Students and teachers were very helpful to us. It will be an amazing memory in my life. The smiling faces and warm hugs all made me so moved to reduce the bad feeling of missing my family. Nice trip! Nice people!
Best wishes
                                                             Chloe from China


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